I would wish to stop bullying and help people all over the world because I am a victom to just like every one reading this no one likes it no one asked to be bullied most of the time it is something at home that bother's them. I would choose this is because I get bullied so  I would like it to stop to i would like for you to watch the video on my bulleying page as most of you now amanda todd killed her self and people have posted mean things about her but i will tell the story amanda was in grade 7 when some one asked her to flash so she did and next year on her facebook page a guy told her to put on a show or he would put the pic of her breast on facebook she natrulay said no!! so he sent the pic to all her freainds so she chagend schools and it happend 5 more times. Inthe next school and she got a phone call to go to a boys house and told her to come over he said his girl freaind wasnt their so she went over the man did it again so she drank bleech and survived when she went back to school the boy and his girl freaind beet her up she felt s

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